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518DWT Water Supply Vessel

Posted Sep 18, 2014 to Supply Vessel

No.: WS808 518DWT Water Supply Vessel Built: Jan 2002,China LOA: 45.28M LOB: 7.60M LOD: 3.51M draft: 3.00M Full displacement: 719.7T Light displacement: 182.9T M.E: 5160A-17

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multipurpose supply vessel For Sale

Posted Jun 23, 2014 to Supply Vessel

Multipurpose Supply Vessel Blt: 1998GRT: 765T NRT: 231T LOA: 53.80m Breadth: 13.80m Draft S: 2.5m Depth: 3.80m Speed: 10 knots consumption: 5.5 T DO p/d at full

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4400HP AHTS for sale

Posted Jun 08, 2014 to Supply Vessel

No. TTS-462 4400HP AHTS Built 2012 in China Flag of convenience, CLASS BV, Unrestricted navigation    

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N/B CCS 10400PS AHTS for Sale

Posted May 22, 2014 to Supply Vessel

Year built: 2012, China Class: CCS, CSA, CSM Ice Class B Navigation area: unrestricted LOA: 73.6 LBP: 65.5 Breadth: 17.2 Depth: 7.5 Draft: 6.2 DWT: 2300 Deck space: 560m2 Deck load: 5t/m2 B

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new 8000KW AHTS for sale

Posted May 04, 2014 to Supply Vessel

  77M 8000KW(10880HP) AHTS - DP2 - FIFI ======================================================== CCS CLASS CSA OFFSHORE TUG / SUPPLY SHIP STAND-BY SHIP, FIRE FIGHTING SHIP 1, WATER SPRAYING I

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4000HP/2010BUILT PSV for sale USD 4350000

Posted Jan 01, 2014 to Supply Vessel

4000HP/2010BUILT PSV for sale   Built: 2010,China Class: ZC Navigation area: Coastal NRT: 488T LOA/B/D/d: 54.81/11/4.7/3.6M M/E power: 8240ZJ, 2 x 2000HP,425RPM Gene

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5000HP/2010BUILT OCEAN GOING AHTS for sale

Posted Jan 01, 2014 to Supply Vessel

5000HP/2010BUILT  OCEAN GOING AHTS for sale Built: 2010,ChinaClass: CCSNavigation area: ocean goingNRT: 488TLOA/B/D/d: 59.20/14.00/6.00/4.80MM/E power: JAPAN NIGATA  6MG2

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